Tuesday, January 20, 2009

About The Movie Ranter

My philosophy is that most movies suck, most actors are incompetent, most directors are blind, most editors are bungling and most screenwriters are illiterate. But worst of all, most Movie reviewers are COMPLETELY IDIOTIC!

Most reviews are composed of 2/3 plot summary, 1/6 self-aggrandizing on the part of the reviewer, and 1/6 idolized gushing over some second rate performer that the reviewer has a hard-on over. In short, they're completely worthless to read.

My reviews have almost no plot summary, no pitiful actor gushing and 60% more self-aggrandizing (and honesty...but who cares about that?). Most reviewers act like they're on a distatched pedestal and can offer an unbiased opinion of a film regardless of everything else that's going on in their lives.

To that, I say hogwash!

If I woke up constipated and ran over a dog on the way to the cinema, it doesn't matter if the film is the second coming of God's own movie...I'm going to be irritated, I'm going to be angry, and I'm not going to enjoy it.

SO, what I do is include that kind of information (extremely personal information if necessary) into my reviews so that you...the review reader...can hopefully extract some information that is useful to you on whether or not to see the movie.

But actually, my purpose isn't so much to encourage you what to see as to offer you a place to discuss what you have already witnessed. Films are organic, their meaning changes over time, their meaning is often completely different than what the actors, directors, screenwriters end editors ever intended...and that is a good thing because every now and then, by accident, without realizing it, and without having a hope ever to repeat it...

Filmmakers produce something wonderful.

And that, I suppose, is why we continue to sit through so much rubbish.

By the way, all the links under the 2008 heading go to my Streets of Lima page where they were originally published. Becasue they are located there instead of on "The Movie Ranter" they are not included in any page searches. You can search them by searching Streets of Lima instead.

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